UCPath Downtime/Cutover
UCPath Techinical Issues
- Position Control: UCPath is currently experiencing a system issue with Position Updates submitted via Position Control. We recently discovered that after a location submits an approved update through AWE (Approval Workflow Engine), it is not finalizing and writing to the position as expected. Workaround Request: Until this issue is resolved, please complete your updates directly through Position Administration via the navigation method below: UCPath online> Main Menu > Organizational Development > Position Management > Maintain Positions/Budgets > Add/Update Position Info
- WFA Data Changes: We are still experiencing degraded performance issues with the Mass Update for WFA Data Changes (Mass PayPath). To mitigate any negative downstream impacts to employee records the upload for Mass Update for WFA Data Changes (Mass PayPath) was made unavailble and is not be expected to be available for use until Jaunary 2020 while our technical resources resolve these issues. During this downtime initiators can still submit individual PayPath Actions without interruption. We apologize for any inconvenience and we will provide updated information as it becomes available. If you have any additional questions or need other services, please visit UCPath and click on “Ask UCPath Center" to submit an inquiry. You may also contact the UCPath Center to speak with an associate Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. at 855-982-7284.
Supplemental Health Election
· A recent email was sent by UCPath regarding “Final Benefits” elections form. In that form, those individuals who selected the “Supplemental Health Plans” will still have $0.00 listed as their deduction and this is correct. Please ensure that they have completed enrollment through the Aflac At Work website at http://www.ucplus.com. The premiums will be collected from the individuals paychecks on an after tax basis and the premium amount will not be listed on this form. If you have not selected this plan it will state “waived.” Please click here for more information.
- The shift differential overpayments were caused by a defect. The issue affected 589 Employees at UCR and 1 at UCLA Medical Center. No other location was affected. The root cause analysis is still underway and the UCPC will notify us of the cause and steps to rectify once their analysis is complete. 589 overpayments have been made by the UCPath Center due to a defect in the system. Communication is being sent to those individuals to make them aware of the situation and to provide instructions on how to repay the amount.
- Timeline of what has happened thus far:
- A shift differential overpayment occurred on 12/11/19 check to 589 employees
- Email was sent to all employees from UCPath on 12/12/19 notifying them of the error (without payment details)
- Email was sent to all supervisors/HR staff from UCR on 12/13/19 notifying them of the issue/error
- Overpayment Packet was sent to all employees via postal mail by UCPath on 12/17/19 (with repayment details) – sample can be found here for reference
- Email is being sent to all affected employees, supervisors and SSCs by UCR on 12/18/19 with details and next steps
- Timeline going forward:
- UCPath Online will be down for maintenance from 12/18/19 @ 5pm to 12/22/19 at 8am, during this time the employee can still call the UCPath Center at: 855-982-7284 Mon-Fri 8:00am – 6:00pm.
- To avoid the tax implications UCPath needs receipt of the signed overpayment agreements by December 31, 2019, end of day, this means that the employees will need to submit their overpayment packet by 12/31/19 by:
- Mailing the packet back with a postdate of 12/31/19
- Calling the UCPath center requesting that a case is open confirming/requesting their repayment plan option. The UCPC will submit the case on the employee’s behalf.
- Submitting an inquiry via UCPath Online with an attached signed overpayment packet or information detailing agreement to repay the overpayment amount and the selected/requested repayment option
- If your employee needs an alternate repayment plan they can reach out to UCPath via phone at: 855-982-7284.
- If you have any questions or concerns please call the UCR UCPath Campus Support Center (CSC) at 951.827.9500, or email at ucpathcsc@ucr.edu. Please email the UCR UCPath CSC at ucpathhelp@ucr.edu if you run into any issues that need to be resolved.
- · Due to a stale report, 174 Overpayment letters were sent out to individuals that may or may not have already paid it back. However, the packet does include information on the second page for those who may have already paid
- · Please communicate to your employees to turn in all overpayment packets by December 30th to avoid any tax implications and minimal disruption
End of the Year Reminders from UCPath
Automatic Deductions & Disability
Recently we have had questions regarding leave without pay and short/long term disability benefits. We wanted to provide clarification regarding this issue. When employees are placed on a leave without pay in UCPath, the system will automatically cancel the Short and/or Long Term Disability Benefits. Since normally, employees will apply for disability benefits while on leave without pay, the disability premiums are waived since employees are receiving the disability benefits. However, when the employee returns to work, please have the employee review their Short and/or Long Term Disability benefits enrollment to ensure that the UCPath Center reinstated their disability benefits and premiums. If the disability benefits and premiums are not reinstated, please notify the UCPath Center for further assistance.
Email benefits@ucr.edu if you have any additional questions or for issues that need resolution email ucpathcsc@ucr.edu.
DC Supplemental Employer Contributions Owed to Certain Academic Appointees
The pension issues should be resolved now (please see below), however if you still experience issues, please let UCPath CSC know.
Earlier this year, it was identified that certain academic appointees who are members of the Pension Choice Program and who held faculty appointments were incorrectly coded as not eligible for the 5% DC Supplement employer contribution.