Included in this packet is a sample letter of the overpayment and the repayment options. Please review the information provided and select a repayment plan that will be the least impactful for you and your family. Should the suggested repayment plans below not meet with your needs, please contact UCPath Center.
Please download this packet:
Overpayment Sample letter and Packet
· To avoid the tax implications UCPath needs receipt of the signed overpayment agreements by December 31, 2019, end of day, this means that the employees will need to submit their overpayment packet by 12/31/19 by:
1. Mailing the packet back with a postdate of 12/31/19
2. Calling the UCPath center requesting that a case is open confirming/requesting their repayment plan option. The UCPC will submit the case on the employee’s behalf.
3. Submitting an inquiry via UCPath Online with an attached signed overpayment packet or information detailing agreement to repay the overpayment amount and the selected/requested repayment option