ABBREVIATION DESCRIPTION 1994 CCL 401(a) grandfathered fiscal year Covered Compensation Limit for employees entering UCRP prior to 07/01/1994 2016 CCL coordinated Covered compensation limit based on California PEPRA cap for employees subject to OASDI entering UCRP on or after 07/01/2016 2016 CCL non-coordinated Covered compensation limit based on California PEPRA cap for employees not subject to OASDI entering UCRP on or after 07/01/2016 ACA Affordable Care Act AM Absence Management AP Academic Personnel AWE Approval Workflow Engine AY Academic Year AYSO At Your Service Online BN Benefits CA Commitment Accounting CBR Composite Benefit Rates CCL Covered Compensation Limit CEMLI Conversions, Extensions, Modifications, Localizations and Interfaces COA Chart of Accounts CPS Corporate Personnel System CRM Customer Relationship Management CWR Contingent Worker DB Defined benefit; traditional pension similar to Tier 2013 DC Defined contribution / Choice plan available as an alternative to the Defined Benefit plan and its supplement DDODS The UCPath Data Distribution Operational Data EOY End of Year ESR Enterprise Systems Renewal ESS Employee Self Service FPP Future Process Planning FSPD Future State Process Design FTE Full-Time Equivalent FY Fiscal Year GL General Ledger HCM Human Capital Management HR Human Resources IDM Identity Management IRS CCL 401(a) (17) non-grandfathered fiscal year Covered Compensation Limit for employees entering UCRP on or after 07/01/1994 IT Information Technology JED Job Earnings Distribution LMS Learning Management System MCOP Multiple Components of Pay MSS Manager Self Service ODS Operational Data Store OE Open Enrollment PEPRA California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 POI Person of Interest PPS Personnel Payroll System (former payroll system for UC, replaced by UCPath system) PS PeopleSoft PY Payroll SPA Service Partnership Agreement SME Subject Matter Expert SSO Single Sign On TCS Title Code System TRS Time Reporting System UAAL Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability UCOP University of California Office of the President UCPC UCPath Center UCRAYS UC Retirement At Your Service UCRP University of California Retirement Plan UCRS University of California Retirement System UPKs User Productivity Kits; includes transaction simulations and job aids WFA Work Force Administration
UCPath Glossary Terms
Absence Management | Module in UCPath used to plan and manage absence events (including extended leaves) and calculate vacation, sick time, PTO accruals | Leave Administration | *no PPS equivalent |
Action/Reason Codes | In UCPath, the reason an employee's job or employment information is updated. The “Action” is entered along with a corresponding “Reason”: an action of Hire may be entered with a reason of Original/New hire, or an action of Termination may be entered with a reason of Resignation The reason an employee's job or employment information is updated. The action reason is entered in two parts: a personnel action, such as a promotion, termination, or change from one pay group to another—and a reason for that action. PPS has a smaller set of codes than UCPath for hires, terminations, etc, such as “01” for Employee Level (Bundle derived) - New Hire, and “13” for Appointment Level - | Action Codes | |
Approval Workflow Engine (AWE) | Tool for automatic routing of transactions for approval(s) prior to being committed to UCPath. | AWE | Web PAN |
Approver | UCPath role for Approval Workflow assigned to the individual responsible for reviewing and approving/denying transactions locally. | *no PPS equivalent | |
AWE Administrator | UCPath role with administrative rights to manage AWE transactions. This role is limited to the central operations unit. | ||
Business Unit | Each UC campus and med center is identified by a ‘Business Unit’ which will be used to segregate campus information for reporting and system security access | BU | Location/SubLocation |
Change Management |
The application of a structured process and set of tools for leading people through organizational changes. The UCPath Organizational Change Management (OCM) team includes communications, change management, and training. |
Organizational Change Management (OCM) | *no PPS equivalent |
Chartfield & Chartfield String | In UCPath applications, the fields that make up the chart of accounts and provide the system with the basic structure to segregate and categorize transactional and budget data. A particular Chartfield always represents only one category of data, it stores many values that you use to further categorize that same data. Examples of UCPath Chartfields are Fund, Department, Project, etc. A combination of two or more Chartfield values that represent a funding source in the General Ledger. Equivalent to FAU, Chartstring, and Funding String. | Account & Fund | |
Company | All UC campuses are identified as a single ‘Company’ and consolidated under one federal tax ID to enable systemwide consolidation of employee information for reporting: UCS = University of California System-wide | *no PPS equivalent | |
Compensation Frequency | PPS’s Pay Rate (H or A) field and UCPath’s Compensation Frequency field are equivalent. Compensation Frequency defines how the total compensation is actually paid out to the employee, whether hourly (H) or annually (A). | Pay Rate (H or A) | |
Comp Rate Code | UCPath Comp Rate Codes are a set of codes used to define whether an employee is paid hourly or receives a salary, and if the salary is on-scale where the employee’s pay resides on the scale, or whether the employee is paid offscale, or has a negotiated salary. | *no PPS equivalent | |
Contingent Worker |
Non-supervisory or supervisory contingent worker (CW) engaged by the University on a non-permanent basis to complete a specific function or task who does not have an employee relationship with UCR, does not receive remuneration through UCPath, and does not receive university benefits or entitlements.
CWR | *no PPS equivalent |
Deduction Codes | Deduction Codes include pre and/or post tax reductions from gross pay (i.e., medical premium, parking, United Way), as well as employer contributions to benefits, and are used by UCPath to calculate net pay. Previously known as gross to net codes (GTN). | Gross to Net Codes (GTN) | |
Direct Retro | In PPS, if retroactive changes need to be made to funding, RX/LX transactions or UPAYS are used to process the said transactions. In UCPath, Direct Retro functionality processes Salary Cost Transfers, or the movement of funds from one account into another. Note: The direct retro process is commonly used to clear the suspense account for expired or invalid funding data, | *no PPS equivalent | |
Earnings Codes | Earnings Codes include the components of compensation and are used by the UCPath Payroll process to calculate gross pay. | Earn Code | DOS Codes |
Effective Date | The Effective Date field for position, job and other UCPath records/transactions represents the date the status becomes current or active. | *no PPS equivalent | |
Employee | Person receiving remuneration (benefits and/or pay) from University. | Emp, EMPL | Employee |
Employee Class | Employee Class is an employee categorization field in UCPath and will be used to identify the appointment type. Examples include: Academic faculty, Academic Health Science Trainee, Academic Non-Faculty, Academic Student, CWR Academic, CWR Staff, Career, Contract, Floater, Limited, Partial Year Career, Per Diem, Rehired, Retiree, Rehired Retiree – Academic Recall, Student | Appointment Type | |
EMPLID (Employee ID) | Following HR using one of UCPath’s Smart HR templates to process a new hire, the UC Path Center (UCPC) runs a final system process which generates an eight digit Employee ID, e.g. “67891234”. Employees can identify their UCPath EMPLID via paystubs | Employee ID Number | |
Employee Self-Serve | UC employees are able to see relevant, work-related information about themselves and perform employee actions (setting up direct deposit, changing tax status, changing tax withholdings) in one place. | ESS, Self- Service Portal, UCPath Self- Service Portal, UCPath online Portal, UCPath Portal, UCPath online | |
Employee Record Number | Identifies each job. For most employees, the number will be zero. Employees with multiple concurrent jobs will have a unique record number for each job, assigned sequentially based on date of hire for each job. | *no PPS equivalent | |
Enterprise Systems Renewal | Multi-year initiative program with focus on optimization of core business and administrative practices as well as delivery of new systems that will effectively meet the needs of our growing university. | ESR | |
FLSA | The Fair Labor Standards Act defines various labor regulations regarding employment, including minimum wages and requirements for overtime pay. In UCPath, employees may have only one FLSA status (Exempt or Non-Exempt) even if they have multiple jobs. | ||
FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) | FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) in UCPath doesn’t mean a permanently funded position as it does in PPS. In UCPath, FTE only reflects the employees percentage of time worked. FTE can be changed at either the position or job level. | FTE | Appointment Percentage |
Funding Source or Combination Codes | Similar in PPS and UCPath. ‘Funding Sources’ or Combination Codes within UCPath are reflected as chartfield strings that are used to create journal entries when interfaced to the general ledger within the financials system. In UCPath, the chartfields include: fund, program, department, cost center. In PPS, the FAU consists of the Full Accounting Unit number – Includes Location, Account, Cost Center, Fund, Project Code and Sub. | FAU | FAU (Full Accounting Unit) |
Fund Source – tied to position or chair | In UCPath funding works differently from PPS. In PPS, funding is tied to an employee. Funding information, the salary amount, percent and description of service code are all on one distribution line. In UCPath, the fund source is separate from the employee. Funding is associated with a position and entered on the Funding Entry page. | Fund Source – tied to individual | |
Human Capital Management | A comprehensive software system for managing HR processes. For UCPath the HCM is PeopleSoft. | HCM | |
Initiator | UCPath role for Approval Workflow assigned to the individual who initiates transactions in UCPath. | ||
Job Earnings Distribution | The Job Earnings Distribution (JED) is the process in which a location distributes earnings by earn codes on the job record by percentage or amount. | JED | |
Job/Job Record | The employee assignment an individual is hired to perform. The job contains information unique to the employee such as step, compensation rate, multiple components of pay (e.g. off-scale). The job is tied to a particular position and inherits certain attributes of the Position. | ||
Job Code |
Job codes are used to define job titles and related classifications, including job families, FLSA, compensation rate ranges and steps and EEO compliance categories. For example, you can have a job code representing the Administrative Assistant title, and for that job you can have different Administrative Assistant Positions – one in Human Resources and another in Finance. Positions track details for a specific job in a specific department, location, union and funding source regardless of employee hiring details which is separate from the employee hiring process which UCPath associates a person’s personal details with a system Employee ID. |
Title Code | Title Code |
Job & Job Data | A job in UCPath is analogous to an Appointment in PPS. It is used to organize employment information, or job data, with an employee. | Appointment | |
Leave - Intermittent | Although intermittent leaves are not entered in PPS, they must be entered in UCPath. Hours related to the intermittent leave can be entered in time and attendance or through the Manage Accruals page | ||
Life Event | A change in the status of the employee, such as birth of a child, death of a spouse, marriage or divorce. | ||
Location | A location is a University of California campus and its associated medical center, if applicable. Department mailing address will populate for the location. | UCR, RVCMP | Department Address |
Manager Self-Serve | UC managers (who have approval access) are able to see relevant, work-related information about their direct reports in one place (the Manager Dashboard). | MSS | no PPS equivalent |
Multiple Components of Pay (MCOP) | Multiple components of pay (MCOP) apply to any employee whose total monthly salary has more than one earn code level that contributes to their total monthly salary.Same in both PPS and UCPath. | MCOP | Multiple Components of Pay (MCOP) |
National ID Type | UCPath’s National ID Type and PPS’s SSN are similar. Selecting an individual’s UCPath National ID Type field dropdown selection would either be: PR = Social Security Number, OR, ITIN = Individual Tax ID Number | Social Security Number | |
Off-Cycle Pay | Any payment that is not paid on the employee’s regular “on-cycle” pay cycle (monthly or biweekly). This can be necessary when employees miss a significant amount of pay (e.g., missed time card, incorrect hours). | Off-Cycle Check | no PPS equivalent |
Pay Cards | An option for employees not enrolled in direct deposit. Pay cards are loaded with a payroll balance on payday. Employees can either cash them out for the balance or spend down the balance. | no PPS equivalent | |
PayPath | In UCPath, Initiators will use PayPath to update job information for existing employees. PayPath combines 3 tabs: 1) Position (chair), 2) Job (person + chair), and 3) Additional Pay. It is a custom component designed to streamline updates to employee data in UCPath. It is used to make data changes ONLY to positions that have an active incumbent. In comparison, PPS Processers used the CSAL bundle in PPS to make similar changes. | CSAL | |
Person of Interest |
POI | no PPS equivalent |
Position Control | System of tracking information based on positions rather than employees. It creates a framework of positions for all the jobs within UCPath without regard to whether there is an incumbent in a specific job or not. | no PPS equivalent | |
Position Management |
A module in UCPath that defines and standardizes information for approved positions with or without an incumbent. Attributes include home department, job code, standard hours, FTE, union affiliation, maximum headcount, reporting relationship, etc. In most cases, there will be one position for each employee. However, multiple incumbents with the same position attributes may be assigned the same position. Position Management is useful for recruitment, succession planning, monitoring turnover, etc. Unlike PPS, funding and job details in UCPath gets attached to the position/chair and not the person, so when a position becomes vacated, the funding and job and job location details remain with the position/chair. Positions are normally occupied by one person/employee in a “one-toone” relationship, but UCPath enables multiple people with identical job characteristics to occupy one departmental position at the same time, called “multi-headcount”. |
no PPS equivalent | |
Position Pools | Position pools allow locations to group similarly funded work study positions. | ||
Premium Waiver | A provision included in most life insurance policies exempting the insured from paying premiums after he or she has been disabled for a specified period of time. | no PPS equivalent | |
Primary Job | Primary Job replaces the concept of Home Department used in PPS. It is derived automatically by the system based on the job attributes such as FTE. To override Primary Job the Locations must contact the UCPC. | Home Department | |
Reports To | Each position in UCPath reports to another position. The Reports To field holds the position number of the supervisor/department chair to whom the position reports. The incumbent of the Reports To position (supervisor/department chair) is able to view personal information for their direct reports using Manager Self-Service functionality. | ||
Service Partnership Agreement | Service Partnership Agreements (SPA) outline the roles and responsibilities for both the UCPath Center and the locations/partners as it relates to UCPath. | SPA | |
Single sign-on | The current plan is for UC employees to use their current UC logins to access UCPath. Once connected to their location networks, UC employees will not have to login again to access UCPath. | SSO | |
Subject Matter Expert | An individual who is an expert or authority in a particular area or topic. | SME (pronounced " smee") | |
Supplement | A defined contribution plan available to selected employees participating in the Defined Benefit plan who are subject to a new, lower covered compensation limit (the 2016 CCLs) associated with the defined benefit plan | ||
Tracker | Tracker is an electronic I-9 solution adopted by all UC campuses to create and track I-9 forms, E-Verify and immigration complianc | i-9s | |
UCPath |
UCPath is the critical business transformation program of the University of California. UCPath includes three components:
PeopleSoft, UCPath HCM | |
UCPath Center | The UC system-wide shared services center in Riverside, CA. The Center will consolidate routine transaction processing and employee support for some tasks in the areas of payroll, benefits, absence management, compensation, and workforce administration. | UCPC | |
UCPath Center Employee Services | Employee services provides assistance to UC faculty and staff via UCPath portal (cases), telephone, e-mail, fax, and regular mail. | Central or departmental HR, Benefits, Payroll, Customer Service, or local helpdesk | |
UCPath Center Production Team | Provides processing of absence management, benefit, payroll, reporting, records fulfillment and workforce administration transactions. Serves as an escalation point for employee services when additional research, follow-up and processing is required. | ||
UCPath IT Services | The IT Services unit within the UCPath Center is responsible for: ● Control table updates ● Coordinating in/out bound interfaces ● Resolving UCPath system issues |
ITS/PPS Payroll Team | |
UCPath Operations | The Operations unit within the UCPath Center is responsible for transactional processing and employee level data changes to include: ● Pay adjustments ● Pay calc & confirm process ● Benefits Administration ● Workforce Admin/Job Data updates |
Central Payroll Services and/or Departmental transaction processors | |
UCPath Inquiry | An online ticket/request opened in UCPath by UC employees and managers to request help and track service requests from the staff at the UCPath Center. | Case, Ticket, Request | |
UCPath online |
The UCPath online replaced AYSO. Provides employees 24/7 access to personal information from their desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone. Employees are able to view personal job data and payroll information; sign up for direct deposit; update tax withholdings; view/enroll in benefits; see vacation and sick leave balances; and more. With UCPath, UC employees are able to submit questions via case management, track requests, look up answers in a knowledge base and review/change certain personal employee information directly such as name, address, emergency contact, paycheck/W2 information, benefits information, open enrollment, direct deposit, life event changes, leave accrual balances. |
Portal, Self-Service, ESS | |
Union Code | The Union Code in UCPath identifies an employee’s affiliation to a specific bargaining unit. | Collective Bargaining Unit | |
Workforce Administration | A module in UCPath used by HR administrators at UC locations and at the UCPath Center to manage an employee’s lifecycle. WFA allows users to track and manage job related data, including managing pay and compensation, benefit eligibility programs, position and employee data, payroll and HR status. | WFA |